
Screened Pea Gravel

This product is a 10 mm screened orange/yellow gravel ideal for garden walkways or ground coverage.

Available in small handy bags,3 different size Bulker bags or tipper loads.

Priced to include free delivery in Perth metro area, prompt quotes given for other areas.


Loading Bulk Deliveries

Tipper loads are available at different cubic meters.The larger the order the cheaper the product,quotes given promptly .

Bobcat with GP bucket,rake,forks and augers(350and500cm)

Excavator 2.5Ton with 3bucket sizes and plough rake for hire @reasonableb rates.



Loading Monitor

His name is Sam, turns up for work every day and prefers a Cat loader over all the others ,better here than digging holes in the garden at home !


Bulker Bags Available

Most of our products are available in bulker bags as well in 3 different sizes,0.3–0.5–1.0 cubic meters.The prices listed are delivery free in the Perth metro area.

This method of delivery is popular as it gives the customer more control over the product with no mess and a cost saver.

Compost is now available with added Kaolin Clay giving the soil the benefit of retaining moisture with the wetting agent and a semi complete broken down cow compost,providing a ideal environment for the micro and macro organisms. Specialised orders taken to adjust different percentages of the products added due to soil conditions in the area.


Complete Garden Products

Composting is a long time consuming process made easier with heavy machinery that turns the windrows and injects water at a regulated rate at the same time.This gives an even texture throughout the whole process,the compost generates its own internal heat with the breakdown of the manures and the hay with the moisture generating temperatures well over 56 degrees which is sufficient to stop any unwanted seeds germinating.


Garden Kaolin Clay

Kaolin clay is available in small handy bags of 20kgs and 3 sizes bulker bags -0.3–0.5–1.0 cubic meters and tipper loads.

A very popular product that is a must in the garden and lawn prep as well as a constant maintenance for them.

Individual custom orders can be made up to suit the particular plant or lawn to be selected for soil preparation and on going top dressing.